What Estate Planning Documents Do I Need?
What Estate Planning Documents Do I Need?
We get asked all the time what estate planning documents does someone need. So while everybody needs a Will to dispose of their assets, name guardians, trustees, and executors, most people could use a Durable Power of Attorney. That’s where you could give your spouse or a loved one the ability to make financial decisions for you in case you need to.
An Advanced Directive specifies which life-sustaining treatment should be given or withheld should you be in a situation where your doctor thinks you have no chance of getting better and can’t speak for yourself.
A HIPAA Waiver allows the hospital and doctors to speak to your loved ones. Most doctors or hospitals will speak to a spouse but wouldn’t necessarily speak to a partner who’s not married or even children. So those things need to be established.
A document describing how you would like to dispose of your body, such as burying it or cremating it, is not a legal requirement, but it might help your family members or the next generation know how you would like things handled. If you could alleviate their worries in any way, that would be a good consideration for your estate plan. If you are concerned about these things, give us a call at (267) 573-1019.